Hanno Hilbig

Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
University of California, Davis

Curriculum Vitae
Google Scholar

I am an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Davis. My research lies at the intersection of Comparative Politics and Political Economy. I explore the political implications of central challenges facing established democracies, such as shifting media landscapes, immigration, inequality, fiscal adversity, and housing. I primarily employ causal inference methods for observational data. My work leverages a range of research designs and data sources, including natural experiments, large-scale surveys and administrative data.

Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics at Princeton University. I graduaded with a PhD from the Department of Government at Harvard University in 2022.


  1. Electoral Constraints on Affordable Housing (with Andreas Wiedemann). Conditionally Accepted, American Journal of Political Science. [Abstract]  
  2. Does Rent Control Turn Tenants Into NIMBYs?. (with Anselm Hager and Robert Vief). Conditionally Accepted, Journal of Politics. [Abstract]  
  3. Local Newspaper Decline and Political Polarization in Multi-Party Systems (With Fabio Ellger, Sascha Riaz and Philipp Tillman). Accepted, British Journal of Political Science. [Abstract]  
  4. Wealth of Tongues: Why Peripheral Regions Vote for the Radical Right in Germany (with Daniel Bischof and Daniel Ziblatt). Forthcoming, American Political Science Review. [Abstract] [Preprint]  
  5. Refugee Labor Market Access Increases Support for Migration (With Anselm Hager and Sascha Riaz). Forthcoming, Comparative Political Studies. [Abstract]  
  6. Natural Disasters and Green Party Support. 2024. (With Sascha Riaz). Journal of Politics., 86 (1): 241-256. [Abstract] [Preprint]  
  7. Government Spending and Voting Behavior. 2024. (With Anselm Hager). World Politics. 76 (1): 88-124. [Abstract]
  8. Local News Monopolies Increase Misperceptions about Immigration. 2023. (with Sascha Riaz). Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(17): 4536-4558. [Abstract] [Preprint]  
  9. Freedom of Movement Restrictions Inhibit the Psychological Integration of Refugees. 2022. (with Sascha Riaz). Journal of Politics., 84(4): 2288-2293. [Abstract] [Preprint]  
  10. Locked Out of College: When Admissions Bureaucrats Do and Do Not Discriminate. 2022. (with Jacob Brown). British Journal of Political Science, 52(3): 1436-1446. [Abstract] [Preprint]  
  11. Does Public Opinion Affect Political Speech? 2020. (with Anselm Hager). American Journal of Political Science, 64 (4): 921-937. [Abstract]  
  12. Do Inheritance Customs Affect Political and Social Inequality? 2019. (with Anselm Hager). American Journal of Political Science, 63 (4): 758-773. [Abstract]  

Working Papers & Work in Progress

  1. Party Biased Party Nominations as a Source of Women's Electoral Underperformance (with Pia Raffler and Thomas Fujiwara) [Abstract]  
  2. Political and Social Correlates of Covid-19 Mortality (with Constantin Manuel Bosancianu, Macartan Humphreys, Sampada KC, Nils Lieber and Alex Scacco) [Abstract]  
  3. Difference-in-differences Designs for Controlled Direct Effects (with Matthew Blackwell, Adam Glynn and Connor Phillips) [Abstract]  
  4. Do Autocrats Respond to Citizen Demands? Petitions and Housing Construction in the GDR (with Hans Lueders and Sascha Riaz) [Abstract]